How We Got Here...BUT GOD!
I have shared my story of suffering from depression, anxiety and PTSD after a life altering event of finding my co-worker dead in his home. Self-care is what healed me. So I am very passionate when telling the story of how if we don't take time to care for ourselves we won't be able to handle the curve balls life sometimes throw at us.
Through this journey, Gods has given me five (5) God-size assignments; the kind of things that stop you in your tracks and have you say “I CAN'T DO THAT God!” And it usually happens when I just get comfortable in what I am currently doing.
When I first was fresh out of Esthetics school I started my career at an area spa. One of my guest was a woman who was going through cancer treatment at this time. She was bald,very thin and pale. She was in fragile state. I remember not wanting her to see any emotions on my face about her appearance. As she laid on the table I saw her port and asked if she would have any discomfort if my hands slid across it. She said no. I proceeded to do the facial like I have done many times before...nothing new or different. It went very well and it was an overall great experience for both of us. I went on to my next guest. A few days later I was shown an email she sent to the company. The company was so moved by her email they posted it to their social media stating that her comments go down in history as the best customer compliment! At that moment I knew WHY He called call me to this new profession and the impact that touch and love has on your mind, body and soul.
Shortly after this interaction God showed me one of His God-size visions for me to take on. He showed me a day where all spas in the city open their doors for a day of self-care and self-love for women navigating the diagnosis and treatment of cancer along with their caregivers. He showed me the details of the event from local restaurants to UBER participation. Sometimes seeing that big of a big picture can be overwhelming and it was definitely for me.
But I said if God directed it HE will provide all the YES’s. I reached out to a local cancer organization and asked for their support and help. I didn't receive the God-size “yes” I was looking for and so I put it on the back burner. At this point, God had revealed all 5 of the assignments HE had for me and I was failing at every attempt to get them off the ground. The spa being one of them.
After years of trying to get the spa off the ground there was a 3 year stretch of no movement and no opportunities. Then one day I hear Him say it was time for the spa and to open it in 30 days. It happened and 7 months later the spa is thriving! BUT GOD!
A few months after launching the spa, I had an amazing opportunity to tell my story on Crossroads IKR podcast! I still can't figure out how that amazing opportunity lined up on my path. BUT GOD!
So with the IKR opportunity a wonderful group of women from the Dayton, OH Crossroads Church community heard me on the the podcast and reached out to me. Their ask of me was would I be willing to plan a spa day for a woman who was a wife and mother to a 3 year old in their community diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and her husband. I'm like of course that's what we do at G+G, we love loving on people!
We welcomed this beautiful family to the spa. They were vibrant and their spirits were infectious. We had an amazing Sunday together at the spa. We were all touched by her story and how we connected even Sha-Kim, G+G massage therapist, who I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to share my days with. BUT GOD!! Who also serves with purpose. Afterwards, we talked about how grateful we are that we give this level of attention, care and love to All our guests not just when a special request comes in. These experiences are authentic and transforming and this could not happen without God navigating from above.
The following day I am telling a friend about this amazing couple on Sunday and out of his mouth he says you need to be able to do this for more women with cancer and their caregiver. Better yet you need to get all the spas across the city to open their doors for women with cancer. My hand goes over my mouth in shock because he just spoke the vision God told me to do 5 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I realize now that God planted the seed 5 years ago. But it wasn't suppose to happen until His perfect timing when He lines up your yeses!!! I know for a fact the 3 remaining assignments will happen! BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I need to figure out how do take on this assignment and the first person I think about was my the bald, frail lady from my first job who gave me that best compliment ever. I look her up on FB and sent her a message not knowing if she would respond. I said I not sure if you remember me and her response was are you kidding I think about you every time I get a facial. So she comes to G+G for a facial and I didn't recognize her when she came through the door. CANCER FREE FOR 5 YEARS, MOTHER, WIFE, BEAUTIFUL and STRONG! She is doing her part to support women warriors. BUT GOD!
I know we are connected on this journey together for a reason! There are some warriors that need us to feel in the gap for them...help take some of their battles of their plate while they focus on healing. BUT GOD!!
I am asking for your support and prayers as I reach out to others for help. WE NEED SOME GOD-SIZE YESSES!!!!
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